Raissa Simpson’s PUSH Dance Company Builds Vibrant Contemporary Dances To Gain A Deeper Understanding Of The Challenges Attributed To Mixed Heritage

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2021 Festival Update

Thank you for joining us for our digital edition of PUSHfest Global 2020.

As the country continues to reopen in phases, we’re putting the festival on hiatus in 2021 in order to plan for a full live performance in 2022. While the pause is in motion, we’re keeping our 2020 Artists lineup and we promise new updates as the planning continues. Thank you to all our supporters during this time. We look forward to seeing you soon!

If you’d like to support our relief funds or our festival artists, please visit our Donate Now page.

Digital Events

7 festival events completed


presented worldwide


in relief funds

Cups of Tea

consumed for wellbeing

Discover more about our Festival Artists

Festival Committee

Raissa Simpson

Artistic Advisor

John Paul Alejandro

Graphic Designer

Grisel Torres

Technical Director

Tamika Chenier

Kai Curtis

Khalid El

Mariah Halperin